List of Devices attached offline what to do. Device Offline, what to do how to fix

A small note about what to do if at some point when connecting your device under android management To the computer, ADB proudly displays the Device IS Offline connection error. Debugging is turned on, the device is correctly defined in the system.

When can this message appear?

For example, when it was working with two devices of one model. So, I was able to reproduce device is offlineBy connecting to ADB on Windows two Nexus 5.


First of all, it is necessary in the developer menu in Android to withdraw all authorized to debug the device. How to do this is shown on the screenshot below.

After that, turn off debugging and turn on again (paragraph 3 in the figure above).

Then you need to delete information about mobile device From the system. For Windows, it is enough to stop all the processes ADB command " taskkill / Im adb.exe"Delete AdB Interface from device list.

For nix-like systems, also stop the ADB command. " kILLALL ADB."And we remove the keys (where they are specifically, you see for yourself). For example, " rM / DATA / MISC / ADB / ADB_KEY”.

After that, connect the device to the computer, we put the driver for Windows, run ADB. Allow the connection on the device and check the list of devices by the command " adB Devices.". Should help.

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Offline Editing - IS Part of The Post Production Process of Filmmaking and Television Production in Which Raw Footage Is Copied and Edited, Without affecting the Camera Original Film Stock OR Video Tape. Once a Television Programme Has Been Completely Offline ... ... Wikipedia

offline - Describes Any Device That Is Not in Ready Mode and Is Therafore Unavailable for Use. See Also Online ... Dictionary of Networking

Online and offline - Online Redirects Here. For Other Uses, See Online (Disambiguation). The Terms Online and Offline (Also Stylized As ON Line And Off Line) Have Specific Meanings in Regard to Computer Technology and Telecommunications. In General, Online Indicates ... Wikipedia

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Graphics Device Interface. - The Graphics Device Interface (GDI) IS A Microsoft Windows Application Programming Interface and Core Operating System Component Responsible for Representing Graphical Objects and Transmitting Them to Output Devices Souch As Monitors and Printers ... Wikipedia

S / Key - IS A One Time Password System Developed for Authentication to Unix Like Operating Systems, Especially from Dumb Terminals or Untrusted Public Computers on Which One Does Not Want To Type A Long Term Password. A user s Real Password IS Combined in ... Wikipedia

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Mobile Operating System - A Mobile Operating System, Also Known As A Mobile OS, Mobile Software Platform Or A Handheld Operating System, IS The Operating System That Controls A Mobile Device Or Information Appliance Similar in Principle to An Operating System Such As ... Wikipedia

How to fix the error

"Device Offline"?

When receiving root rights and attempt to customize the device on Android, various system errors periodically appear. One of the most common is the critical error "Device Offline". If this error appears when you try to connect to ABD, even when the debug is turned on via USB, there is at least 3 ways to get rid of it.

One of the most common reasons for which this error crashes is an established old or inappropriate driver. The answer to the question of what to do in this case is obvious - just perform reinstalling the driver, replacing it with new and relevant. After, you should reboot the computer and check it for the presence of a problem.

Another reason for which the "Device Offline" error appears is an inappropriate USB cable. Moreover, even if it is a worker, and using such a cable or data transmission is made, it can still be inappropriate. Therefore, it is worth trying to change the USB -Cabel and re-connect the phone to the computer.

Less likely, however, still has a reason to be an outdated version of the utility "Adb.exe" . In this case, it is better to download new version Programs and update data libraries.

If it did not help correct the error, you will have to restart your smartphone every time until the problem disappears. Also, pay attention to the USB connector on the phone and in the computer, clean it with a brush, and with visible defects, take repair. If necessary, the repair also need to pass a computer or laptop.

Thus, solving a problem with the appearance of the "Device Offline" error can be made in several ways, but if nothing helps to get rid of it, you may need a telephone full reset and data cleaning.






Recently needed to update the firmware on the phone with Android 4.4. Specifically, model LG D410 (L90). I found the instructions on the Internet, installed the driver for the phone and tried to run ADB, but got a mistake:

aDB Shell.
Error: Device Offline

After searching on the Internet, it came to the conclusion that this error appears mainly in three cases:

The most frequent reason. Obviously, it is necessary to simply download the new version of ADB and use it.

To do this, we turn off the ADB team by the command:

Next, download the new version of ADB. You can do it yourself by downloading Android SDK. But not to download a huge package with unnecessary filesYou can simply download only the archive with ADB from the Google website for your OS. At the time of writing the article, these links are the most recent:

  • Windows:
  • Linux:
Android Debug Bridge Version 1.0.31

Outdated drivers

If the first item did not help you, then you should look for a newer version of the drivers for your device. On the Internet there are references to the fact that this error appears due to old / not correct drivers for your phone.

Bad USB cable

A very unlikely problem, but again, I saw a reference to what exactly the faulty USB cable led to such an error. Therefore, if the first and second item did not help you, then try to replace the cable to another.

Most Android users know nothing about ADB.. Full title - Android Debug Bridge., deciphered as "Android debug bridge". ADB is part of Android SDK . With ADB, you can perform various actions on your Android tablet or smartphone, such as: flashing, copy files from a computer for Android and back, system restoration and others.

ADB for Android - what is it?

You probably know that the operating android system Based on the modified Linux kernel. Therefore, with it there is a need to use command line. It is the program aDB. It helps to establish a connection between the computer and Android. It is the component of the Android SDK development environment, so to install Android Debug Bridge, you need to download Android SDK from the official site. There are versions for all popular operating systems: Windows, Mac OS and Linux. That is, simply speaking, aDB. Allows using a computer to control the phone or tablet.

I also advise the following instructions:

Basic AdB Commands Android

Connect your device to USB PC. Make sure all the drivers are installed and the USB debug is enabled.

Work with Android Debug Bridge. Best of all through the Windows command prompt. To do this, in Windows XP, click "Start" and enter "CMD" in the "Find Programs and Files" input field, then press "ENTER". If you have Windows 7 and higher, click "Start" and enter "CMD" in the "Run" field and press the Enter key again.

adB Devices.

The most common ADB command. With it, you can determine if your PC sees the connected device. If you are all done normally, this line will appear: "List of Devices attached". After it you will see serial number Your smartphone or tablet and its condition: "Online" or "offline".

If writes "offline", it means that the device is in sleep mode, if "Online", then the device is ready to perform your commands.

Thanks to this command, you can install applications on your smartphone or tablet. To do this, you need to register the way where the APK file is:

aDB INTSALL D: \\ PAPKA_S_FAYLOM \\ Nazvanie_prilogeniya.apk

To not write long paths, copy the file to the Android-Tools directory. Then the path will become like this:


adb Uninstall

You need to enter similarly to the previous command. At the same time the application will be deleted.

This team has an interesting chip. If you add a key -K., when you delete the game or the program, their data and cache will not be deleted, but will remain on the Android device.

Thanks to this team, you can transfer files from a computer to Android. To do this, you need to know the full path where the file is stored and where to move it.

aDB PUSH D: \\ PAPKA_S_FAYLOM \\ Nazvanie_Fayla / SDCard / Android

To not write long paths, copy the file to the Android-Tools directory. Then you need to enter:


This command copies Android files to a computer. You need to know the way where the file is on your smartphone or tablet and specify the place where you want to save the file. If you do not specify the last, the file will be saved in the Android-Tools directory.

aDB Pull / SDCard / Nazvanie_Fayla \\ D: \\ papka_gde_sohranity

This command will restart your Android phone or tablet.

Thanks to this command, you can directly boot in Bootloader mode.

aDB Reboot Recovery.

Not all devices support this command. With the help of it, you can get into the recovery mode.

aDB Connect.

Using this command, you can connect the device to Wi-Fi network. To do this, you need to know the IP address and port of the device.

aDB Connect IP: Port

Using this command, you get full access to all files on your device.

The second way to use ADB Shell is the execution of a single Android Shell team using such a design:

aDB Shell.<команда>

If you translate your phone or tablet running Android to Bootloader mode, then commands aDB. There will be no more work. Here you need to use FastBoot commands.

To check whether a PC and Android friend friend, we use the team:

After its input, the serial number of your apparatus should appear.

When entering this command, you can unlock phone bootloader and tablets asus and HTC. When your device is in Bootloader mode, enter:

Also all yours software installed And personal data will be lost.

Using this command, you can display the contents of the log file: changes, errors, etc. The data will be too quickly scrolled, so the correct solution will save them to one TXT file. To do this, enter:

aDB Logcat\u003e filename.txt

adb Sideload.

The command is useful for the Google Nexus ruler devices. With it, you can update the firmware of the device. Download it to your computer, connect Nexus to it, go to Recovery mode, select "Apply Update From AdB" and then enter the command.
